Waverly Academy
A Tuition-Free STEM Charter Middle School for Girls
Educating Girls for Life...
Enrollment Information
Controlled Open Enrollment
Grade Level Capacity Enrolled Available Seats
6th Grade 22 15 07
7th Grade 22 20 02
8th Grade 22 23 00
Applications are accepted for girls in grades 6-8. All applications submitted within the Open Enrollment period will have an equal opportunity for admission, regardless of whether they are submitted on the first day or the last day of Open Enrollment. The School shall enroll an eligible student who submits a timely application unless the number of applications exceeds the capacity of a program, class, grade level, or building.
If the number of applications submitted during the Controlled Open Enrollment period exceeds the number of seats available for any grade level, a random lottery will be conducted to determine who is offered a seat.
If applicable, a waiting list will be developed during the first semester for enrollment once a seat becomes available.
Enrollment preference is provided to the following student populations:
a. A sibling of a student enrolled in the School;
b. The child of: (i) an employee of the School, (ii) a member of the governing board, or (iii) an active-duty member of any branch of the United States Armed Forces;
c. Students who meet reasonable academic, artistic, or other eligibility standards that are consistent with the School’s mission.